datamap consulting, Est. 2020, is a company that operates in the field of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). It offers consultancy on creation, management and analysis of geographic databases, topographic mapping and thematic cartography production, processing and analysis of satellite images at different spatial and spectral resolutions.
datamap consulting partners have a strong background in Geographic Information Systems applied to various sectors such as agriculture, marine infrastructures and activities, energy, oil & gas and defense.
Such experience has been acquired thanks to the high level collaboration with regional, national and international public bodies and agencies, universities and renowned private companies.
datamap consulting cooperates with international high level experienced professionals and provides the following typologies of services:
- topographic cartography production
- geographic databases creation and management
- spatial analyses models
- network production, editing and analyses
- AIS data management and analyses
- reporting
Cartography production
Topographic and thematic cartography production according to international standards (MGCP, VMAP, LCCS), including project management and quality control. Strong experience in Sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East
Creation, management and analysis of geographic databases, both in proprietary (ESRI ArcGIS) and/or open source software packages (PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Processing of geographical data, creation of digital elevation models and spatial analysis models: change detection, landslide susceptibility analysis and thematic maps from vector, raster and satellite data
Production, editing and analyses on networks and specifically, roads network, gas networks according to SINFI standards (Italian Ministry of Economic Development)
AIS data acquiring and loading into a PostgreSQL db, spatial data creation in PostGIS db, shipping routes and vessel density calculations, spatial analyses
Main clients of datamap consulting and its partners
Feature extraction, armonizzazione del database, produzione cartografica, standard MGCP e VMAP2, progetti UNSOA, UNSOS, UNISFA, MONUSCO (UNGGSC, Service for Geospatial, Information and Telecommunications Technologies)
Lecturing and training classes in the ‘MSc in GIS and Remote sensing’, satellite images processing, GIS and GPS mapping consulting
Report coordination and production, managing offshore surveying projects in data acquisition and GIS
Economic and territorial studies, data analysis, GIS coordination and development within EU Commission projects (DG MARE, DG AGRI, EASME)
Technical-scientific and project management, feature extraction, cartographic database harmonization, Persian Gulf region
Editing, harmonization and managing of SINFI (Ministry of Economic Development) database Italgas network
GIS management, multicriteria spatial analysis and network analysis (SGML project and GIS decision support to governative bodies)
datamap consulting srls
Registered office:
Via Emanuele Filiberto 66/B
00185 Roma (Italy)
VAT n. 15756501001
REA n. RM - 1611909
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